Sustainable PG to Hold Climate Hero Event

Organization: Sustainable Pacific Grove
The Event:  How to Be a Climate Hero
Date: Wednesday, March  14, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm–8:30 pm
Location: Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, corner Forest and Central Ave.

Want to learn more about how you as an individual can save energy and reduce the carbon footprint of your community?

The second program of our Climate Change series builds on the energy created from the showing of Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Sequel.” We will explore ideas for actions we all can take, individually or collectively to act decisively – why  we still can.

Program will include:

  • A representative of the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) will present their ideas.
  • The leadership of Sustainable PG will provide results of a survey of local individual action.
  • Options for engagement to build a brighter future and to inspire others to do likewise will be presented and discussed.

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