Vegging out in Santa Cruz


Thousands of visitors jammed the Cocoanut Grove in Santa Cruz on April 6 to celebrate or to learn more about what it means to be vegan.

In its first year, Santa Cruz VegFest featured more than 90 exhibitors, speakers, children’s activities and music.

“It wasn’t all granola hippie types, and the people I spoke with obviously had different reasons for going vegan,” said David Royal, a Santa Cruz native, who prepared the video for Voices of Monterey Bay.
The adjacent Santa Cruz Boardwalk was open last weekend, so that seemed to bring in a lot of people who happened to be in the area. “This seemed like a cool thing and there was a ton of foot traffic in the area,” Royal said.

A variety of post-VegFest events are scheduled throughout the county in the coming weeks. Click here for more information about those events.

Letter: Plant-based diet good for the planet

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Voices of Monterey Bay is a nonprofit online news source serving California's Central Coast.