What We Believe Readers tell us

We’ve been asking our readers a simple question: What do you believe in? We’ve collected some of your responses below:

I believe in working hard toward an end goal.


I believe in the essential goodness of humanity.


I believe in socialism, justice, worker owned and operated businesses, a plant-based diet, freedom FROM religion, clean air, water, and food for all as well as health care, equal opportunities and love not war.
Bob Gotch


I believe in the scientific method.
Susan Gerbic


I believe in the goodness of humans as individuals. This is not to say that I don’t believe that humans can be evil; we can, especially as groups, but each individual has at least one thing that demonstrates their innate goodness.
Johanson Robledo


I believe in returning shopping carts to the front of the store and not abandoning them in the parking lot to block a parking space or damage someone’s vehicle. I believe in recognizing that food samples at Costco are just that: samples, and not lunch. I believe in taking down the U.S. flag at sunset, and before the rain, and replacing it when it becomes tattered  or faded. I believe in voting in every election because there are no small, unimportant elections. I believe in dressing appropriately for the occasion and removing my hat when indoors: small gestures of respect. I believe in obeying traffic laws; my observation is that the heavier the gas pedal, the more aggressive the attitude, the lower the sense of civility. I believe in volunteerism because the greatest is the giving of a portion of our time to this Earth to others. I believe in the ‘well regulated militia’ of the Second Amendment and not untrained, overly emotional people packing firearms. And finally but not lastly, I believe there are not secrets to Life, there are only lessons to be learned.
Ron Ostenholtz


I believe in housing for all.


I believe in not having to have all the answers.
Corey Thornburg Brunson


I believe in being a good person, treating others with respect, and protecting the planet for future generations.
Will Gibson


I believe in myself and my fellow man.


I believe in provable facts.
Arlen Grossman


I believe in compassion.
Russ Wilcox


I believe in #LovingSalinas.


I believe in walking the dog. That’s how I started my “This I Believe” essay 10 years ago, and NPR actually picked it up and aired it. Except for the description of me as a lawyer (I retired 6 years ago), and the fact that I walk with a different collie now. It’s still true. PS — I also believe in local journalism.
Betsy Buchalter Adler


I believe in kindness, healing power of nature, humans being able to evolve into a species that nurtures this planets and its other inhabitants (most of them anyway, as some are pretty nasty to humans).
Nancy Jones


I believe in love and kindness to others.
Bob Smith


I believe in plants. They are undeniably alive, the give more than they take, and very little would exist without them. Perhaps we would all become a little more peaceful, grateful and awake through our relationship with plants.
Laura Curry


I believe in the power of nature to life the human spirit … the importance of speaking truth to power … the value of treating others, no matter how different from oneself, with respect … small kindnesses having big impact … life-affirming puppy breath, whale spouts and the occasional ambrosia burger.
Cammy T.


I believe in supporting worthy causes.


I believe in not having blind faith in something not provable. I want to know the proof behind the statement, the evidence, the truth. It requires taking the time to study the issue, getting information from reliable sources. Blind faith is just believing in a fantasy — like Santa Claus. But many people do. They suspend their own good judgment because they don’t want to give up the fantasy that feels good.


I believe in family


I believe in the fact that we have all the tools we need to solve all the problems we face.

Evan Morrison


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About Joe Livernois

Joe Livernois has been a reporter, editor and columnist in Monterey County for 35 years.

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