Palestinian author featured at Jan. 4 event

The Event:   Speaker Gilad Atzmon: “We are All Palestinians Now”                                   

Date:              Friday, January 4, 2019
Time:              1:00 pm—3:00 pm    Doors open 12:30 pm
Location:       Monterey Peace and Justice Center
1364 Fremont Blvd., Seaside CA 93955

Cost:               Free event.  Donation appreciated, but no one turned away.  Mediterranean fare provided.
Sponsor:     Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Monterey County Branch.

About the Talk:  “To understand the dystopia we find ourselves in, we must grasp the crucial dichotomy between Athens and Jerusalem.  Athens is the home of reason, philosophy, science and poeticism, Jerusalem, the city of revelation, a fixed set of commandments and laws.  Athens is known for its search for reason and logos, Jerusalem for its strict regime of religious and political correctness.”  –Gilad Atzmon

In his talk, Gilad Atzmon will look at the current global conflicts, which he views as a deadly battle between these two polarities — between those who adhere to reason, truth and truthfulness and those who impose tyrannies of willful blindness.  His examination of the current situation in the US, France, and Britain reveals that World War III isn’t just a remote possibility, nor is it a clash between states or across borders.  He sees it as a bitter internally-waged conflict that tears states, societies, and families apart.  In this global battle, he observes that more and more of us are oppressed and deprived of civil and human rights, and like the Palestinians, we aren’t even allowed to utter the name of our oppressor.  In this emerging conflict, Atzmon asserts, “we are all Palestinians now”.

About the Speaker:  Gilad Atzmon was forced to leave Israel, his birth nation, because of his outspoken and uncompromising criticism of Israeli policies.  He has become both a man without a country and a global citizen.  His controversial writings on Zionism, Israel, the Middle East, the U.S. Jewish lobby, and Jewish identity politics have been praised and endorsed by some of the world’s leading scholars and humanists.  His views have also been hotly criticized by prominent voices of both Israeli and Palestinian groups.

The views and opinions of the speaker do not necessarily reflect the views of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Monterey County Branch, nor those of the Monterey Peace and Justice Center.  Nonetheless, we are pleased to present the public with the opportunity to hear what this internationally-known author and jazz musician has to say.  Our intent is to encourage rigorous discussion and critical thinking about the topics presented.

“If you care to understand Zionist Israel, read Gilad Atzmon’s book The Wandering Who?”  — Paul Craig Roberts

“A transformative story told with unflinching integrity that all, especially Jews who care about real peace as well as their own identity, should not only read but reflect upon and discuss widely”   — Professor Richard Falk , United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Palestine

About the Sponsor:
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Monterey County Branch
WILPF is a worldwide organization established in 1915.  The Monterey County Branch shares WILPF’s commitment to justice, non-violence, equality and true democracy. WILPF is a community of support, inquiry and spirited activism, exercising our freedoms, rights and responsibilities, as they work together for a just and peaceful world.
Email:             Joyce Vandevere, WILPF-MC co-Chair

About Joe Livernois

Joe Livernois has been a reporter, editor and columnist in Monterey County for 35 years.