Welcome to Season Two: AFTER LIFE

Art by Mara J. Reynolds for Gray Area
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California lawmakers start paying attention to what neuroscientists are saying about the adolescent brain. Changes in the law now mean Gilbert suddenly has a chance for parole — years before he thought he would.
- Abigail Baird | Why do teenagers do stupid things?
- AB 1308 vote
- AB 1308 Bill text
- Sarah-Jayne Blakemore: The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain
- Abigail Baird | When Do Teens Become Adults?
- Elizabeth Cauffman | Adolescent Brain Development and Juvenile Justice
- Ketsa “Snowfall”
- Blue Dot Sessions “The Back Lot”
- Ketsa “Absorbed-in-the-Matter”
- Nuisance “Equinimity”
- Ketsa “No Doubts”
- Ketsa “Feel it Now”
- Lobo Loco “Just a Moment”
- Ketsa “Alive”
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Art by Mara J. Reynolds